Message from the Principal
Principal's Message
Greetings from IVPS, Lucknow.
We the School management are thankful to all the parents who have entrusted the education of their wards to us.
The word education is a harmonious blend of scholastic and co-scholastic on going activities in school. It also encompasses emotions, attitudes, creativity and life itself. It is important to understand that if we wish to be successful in this ever changing and dynamic world, it is crucial to adept in all these areas. We train our students to open to all the above aspects of life.
The Principal with team of mentors and administrative team is striving hard to render education of high standard. The school also takes pleasure to introduce NEP and regular hands on hand teach sessions under innovation lab, students are adopting to new technologies along with project based learning.
It is true that a child has right to education and learning but at the same time, we can’t deny that it is their responsibility to do what they can with what they have learnt. In all it is the art of possibility to fulfil their potential.
Wishing the team lots of good luck and new success stories of IVpians in the years to come. May the year be full of zeal and achievement for the school.
I wish to thank all of you who have contributed to the journey of IVPS, be it the administrative staff, the principal, mentors, students and parents .
Wishing all of you happy learning with us.
Ms. Shyamli Srivastava
IVPS, Lucknow